950,00 RSD
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TROUTHUNTER NYLON TIPPET is of highest quality co-polymers available made in Japan. TroutHunter tippet material offers unsurpassed strength and reliability. This is because it is twice coated for maximum knot strength and water repellency and has a remarkable strength-to-diameter ratio while offering an optimal blend of suppleness and elasticity.
The 50 meter spools afford anglers superior material at a low per meter price. The proprietary misty brown polycarbonate large arbor spool is designed for low material memory and easy handling in a stackable, compact, durable design. The premium rubber tippet tender is long lasting, smooth and water repellant. Unique colors for each diameter allow for quick identification of size. Each tippet spool comes in an exclusive U.V. resistant, waterproof packaging that ensures that the product is of maximum strength when purchased.


Za sve porudžbine preko 5000din

Za iznose manje od 5000din troškovi slanja su 500din


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